Custom Alligator Bobber Seat for Gordo
Custom Alligator Bobber Seat for Gordo
This is an alligator bobber seat that i made for a customer back in 2008. he was a bigger kind of guy, and wanted a bobber seat… but it needed to be bigger. so this one is about 4 inches longer and 4 inches wider than my standard bobber seats. Like all my seatpans, it’s handformed sheetmetal, not pressed or stamped. I hammer out, english wheel, & planninsh every pan by hand.
I just like this seat because it was so big, and the three alligator panels have a nice look to them. Maybe I should make one of these seats in a normal size to sell in my store.
What do you think?
Has one comment to “Custom Alligator Bobber Seat for Gordo”
DydayCina - April 27, 2010
I like your site!